Saturday, 17 March 2018

Porting Inversion part 2

Looking towards TCR from Euston
Things have progressed and I think it’s time to write up and highlight a few items.

Choices of what to port

There are some things which I have chosen to abandon for now. These include my Inversion.Web.Razor extensions in inversion-razor, and the ConfigurationHelper and Pipeline models for service containers in Inversion.Extensibility.

In the case of the Razor extensions, I think I will need to rewrite this entirely in light of the AspNetCore support for Razor. I’d much rather be integrated with that than remain off-piste with Antaris RazorEngine.

Regarding ConfigurationHelper and Pipeline interfaces, the configuration options are so starkly different in .Net Standard, and so much easier to deal with, that there’s no point having a shim to pull configuration from a database etc when the new methods are so much more accessible.

Publishing to NuGet

I’m not sure which sociopath designed the web UI for NuGet, but they need their head examining; they’re clearly insane. It’s not quite as bad as the Visual Studio interface though, at least.

Having fought through the various stuff it puts in your way to prevent you getting a clean package uploaded, the various repos - inversion-dev, inversion-data, inversion-data and inversion-messaging - have been made available. The assemblies that make up those repos are available separately in order to keep project tech hierarchies segregated, e.g. Inversion.Data base library is separate to Inversion.Data.AmazonSQS which is separate to Inversion.Data.Redis etc. Don’t cross the streams unless you have to.

The versions are in the 1.0.x range and the references of child packages to their parents are currently set to 1.0.* as I was pretty shocked how stupid the management of minor versions was in the NuGet CLI. Anyway, working now.

GitHub organisation

The main libraries are now under the newly formed inversion-org GitHub organisation -

Guy, Rob and myself are owners.

Here you will find:

The main Inversion library hasn’t moved yet but this will be its home in the future. You can still find it here:

Other libraries, such as Inversion.Ultrastructure will also be moved into the organisation shortly.

Adding Travis automation

Some Travis automation has been added to build and publish the NuGet packages, which it does sort of blindly as it doesn’t check first if the version already exists and so seeks forgiveness rather than permission when it fails to upload. I suppose there might be ways to automate incrementing the patch number on the .csproj file, but at the moment it is manual.

Things to do next:

  • add unit tests (with automation for commit status updates)
  • test the libraries work!
  • create basic application that uses the libraries via NuGet and can be deployed as a container

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